Wednesday, 12 February 2025



 Committee 2024/5


a. Co-Chairs  Roy Sandison and Beccy Sawbridge

b. Deputy Chairs  Peter Murry,

c.  Co-Secretaries Danny McNamara and Martin Francis

d. Treasurer Dave Taylor

e.  Membership Malcolm Bailey and Sue Tibbles

f.    Publications & Publicity Committee Roy Sandison, Peter Murry,  Erwin Schaefer, Mark Douglas

g. Trade Union Liaison Sue Tibbles and Peter Murry

h, International Officer: Peter Allen

j     Equalities Officer Beccy Sawbridge


k.        Regional Officers 

WEST MIDLANDS Roy Sandison, 

SOUTH WEST Dave Taylor

SOUTH EAST Sue Tibbles

l Regional Contacts Coordinator 

m.Elections Coordinator 

n. Conference Coordinator 

q.Facebook Admins and Moderators Martin Francis, Mike Shaughnessy, Roy Sandison, Peter Murry, Erwin Schaeffer and Beccy Sawbridge.

 l. Admins for blog, website and other social media Peter Murry, Martin Francis

m. Another Europe Is Possible Erwin Schaeffer

GREEN LEFT CONSTITUTION (adopted at GL AGM 27/10/2007)

1. The Green Left (hereinafter GL), is a group open to members of the. Green Party of England & Wales , (hereinafter GPEW), who share its aims and those outlined in the Ecosocialist Manifesto, Paris 2001.

The aims of GL shall be to develop and advocate eco-socialist and anti-capitalist policies within GPEW and the Green movement, Trades Unions and the labour movement nationally, internationally, locally and regionally.

It shall do this by putting forward policy and campaign proposals to GPEW, the general public, the Green movement, Trades Unions and the labour movement nationally, internationally, locally and regionally.

It shall campaign on behalf of its aims by participating in Trades Union and other political and cultural events and by drafting and distributing appropriate publicity materials.

GL shall encourage Trades Unions, individuals and other appropriate and ethical organisations to give financial and other support to GPEW and shall encourage Trades Unions (at Branch, local regional or national level) to affiliate to GPEW. The actual mechanics of affiliation shall be dealt with by the Trades Union Liaison sub-committee of GPEX.

Membership of GL shall be open to any current members of GPEW. who share the aims and objectives of GL The usual method of joining will be payment of a subscription as agreed by the GL Steering Committee.

The GL Steering Committee shall comprise  Co-conveners, Secretary, Membership Secretary and  Treasurer, TU Liaison Officer. Other Committee posts may be created by the Committee as necessary subject to ratification by a meeting of GL.

The Committee shall normally be elected at the AGM.

The Annual general Meeting (AGM) of GL shall normally take place annually and be open to all GL members

Ordinary meetings of GL shall be open to all GL members

Extra Ordinary General Meetings can be called by petition of 25% of GL members or 10 GL members (whichever is the larger). EGMs can consider and enact motions to re-elect the Committee.
Steering Committee meetings shall take place if necessary between other meetings; usually they shall be open to all GL members

Where possible an Ordinary meeting of GL shall be held at GPEW National Conference, this may be additional to the normal schedule of Ordinary meetings of GL.

Decisions at GL meetings shall be by majority vote where necessary. Contentious or tied issues may be decided by a poll of all GL members

Committee members may take decisions or communicate on behalf of GL between Ordinary meetings of GL on matters that arise during these times, their decisions and communications shall be subject to ratification by a meeting of GL.

GL shall raise funds on its own behalf or for GPEW for campaigns in line with GL aims.

GL shall open a bank account to keep its funds which shall be spent in pursuance of its aims.

GL shall encourage the formation of local GL groups and or GL groups based on membership of a particular Trade Union or workplace

9 The GL constitution maybe changed at an AGM or an EGM.

Sunday, 26 January 2025

'For the Earth to Live' by Alan Todd


With Trump already implementing his threat of “Drill, baby, drill!” to massively increase the burning of evermore fossil fuels, and taking the US out of the Paris Climate Agreement – and Musk and Farage supercharging the growth of far-right populism and creeping fascism – there are plenty of reasons to be pessimistic. But as Gramsci warned back in the 1920s:

“The thick dark cloud of pessimism…may in fact be the greatest danger we face at present.”


However,… cometh the hour, cometh the book!

Coming out next month (February), is a new book that gives realistic grounds for hoping that a better world can be won for the 99%. As Nelson Mandela said:

“It always seems impossible…until it is done.”


And the good news is that For the Earth to Live can be pre-ordered at the special reduced rate of £13 – a saving on the RRP of £17! – via this link:


To whet your appetite (just in case the saving of £4 isn’t enough temptation!), below are some of the things that have been said about the book:


Extracts from the Foreword by Julia Steinberger

[Professor of Ecological Economics,

University of Lausanne (Switzerland)]


“The book in your hands is not like other books about

The book in your hands is not like other books about the climate or the environment. For the Earth to Live: The Case for Ecosocialism is a wholly original creation, from a wholly original author. In this Foreword, I will try to explain why I think this book is so important, and I will try to do so quickly, so you can get to the book itself as quickly as possible (which you could do immediately by turning a couple of pages!).

This book, much like its scholar-activist author Allan Todd,

stands out by doing several revolutionary things at once.


First, this book is unapologetic.

This book is quite simply about, and for, ecosocialism. In a time when people are often afraid to express themselves directly, this book openly and proudly proclaims its analysis and position, making the case for a political direction that is unapologetically, uncompromisingly for ecology AND for socialism, for people and for the living Earth. Reading For the Earth to Life is a bracing change from the vacuous distractions, stuffy compromising and

timid understatements that characterize so much of our media, political, and, yes, even scientific landscapes. Quoting the Italian communist Antonio Gramsci from start to finish, it seeks to combine ‘Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will.’ As such, it’s a continuous wake-up call (Gramsci’s pessimism of the intellect) and a call to action (his optimism of the will).”


 "Extinction Rebellion somewhat succeeded in its goal to break the wall of climate denial which was hampering necessary progress. Critics have rightly argued though, that to move forwards, we need a shared ‘overstanding' of the colonialist, capitalist, political economy that has the destruction of people and planet as its core operating system, as well as a visionary alternative to cohere around. In this compelling, thoughtfully explained book, Allan Todd offers us both, with a radical and feasible proposal for our Ecosocialist future. Let's dream and build together, For the Earth to Live!”

 Dr. Gail Bradbrook

Co-Founder Extinction Rebellion


 “Allan Todd isn’t just a writer, he’s a climate activist with an impressive record; and this book is the culmination of years of political struggle. Rich in arguments and ideas, For The Earth To Live is an essential handbook for those who want to take action for a better world, for both people and planet.”

 Simon Hannah, author of A Party with Socialists in it & Reclaiming the Future.


 And there’s more: if you’re in Cumbria on Sunday 16 March, you can attend a talk about the book:

It’s part this year’s Words By The Water, an annual literary festival, held in Keswick, which draws people from around the country:

Also speaking at this year’s festival are George Monbiot (on neoliberalism) and Mike Berners-Lee (on the climate crisis).


 Allan Todd is a member of ACR’s Council, of Left Unity’s National Council, and of Transform; and is an ecosocialist/ environmental and anti-fascist activist. He is the author of Revolutions 1789-1917, Trotsky: The Passionate Revolutionary, and Che Guevara: The Romantic Revolutionary

Thursday, 9 January 2025





15 January 2025




Green Left, an ecosocialist tendency within the Green Party of England and Wales. online meeting on ‘Transport: A Fare Free Future’ to discuss the politics and potential developments of transport and its relation to other aspects of Green and left politics This was part of the Green Party of England and Wales ‘Policy Fest’,


 Tahir Latif Greener Jobs Alliance,

Simon Pirani Fare Free Transport,

George Arthur Better Buses South Yorkshire

Chair Peter Murry Green Left

Thursday, 7 November 2024




Green Left, a group within the Green Party of England and Wales,  is hosting an online open meeting on ‘Disability’ to discuss the politics of disability and its relation to other aspects of Green and left politics on Wednesday 13th -November 2024.  At 7.00pm via  zoom.

Speakers are

Debra Cooper of the Green Party Disability group, 

Joseph Healy Committee Member COVID Action UK, former Unite workplace Rep,

Beccy Sawbridge, Green Party Councillor, Dover City Council,

 Mary-Ellen,  Disabled People Against Cuts

Chair: Martin Francis, Green Left. 

Disability is a label applied to a wide variety of people. It can be used officially by agencies such as government, or unofficially in everyday speech, and many more hurtful terms may be used instead. It can lead to many forms of discrimination against those labelled ‘disabled’, in employment, in housing, in access to public facilities and in many other areas. Such discrimination has been challenged by the ‘disabled’ themselves, but how much has been gained?



·      Green Party manifesto states: 

“Elected Greens will back changing the law on assisted dying. We support a humane and dignified approach to terminal illness, allowing people to choose to end their lives to avoid prolonging unnecessary suffering, if this is their clear and settled will. Proper safeguards would need to be put in place.”

Assisted dying has been a Green Party policy for some time, although in previous statements they hadn’t explicitly limited their policy to people who were terminally ill. 

We hope that politicians consider a Bill that extends to adults who are unbearably suffering from conditions without a cure, who are of sound mind and have a clear and settled wish to die.

·      From Nicole Haydock : Palliative care must be sorted before the proposed Assisted dying bill goes any further. Labour will not support it for the time being for that reason a alone. But there are also a number of issues with the proposal. It will be interesting to see how our 4 Green MPs engage with this important debate.

·      From Charli (she/her) : I would always be on the side of personal autonomy and choice for individuals about their own bodies, but that is the key. It’s about REAL choice and there is a huge opportunity here for coercion and totally removal of choice.:

·      'As medical science advances, the cost of prolonging human life way past human usefulness will impose an ever heavier burden on the community for an ever longer proportion of its members’ lives. Already we are keeping people alive in a near-vegetative state. The human and financial resources necessary will mean that an ever greater weight will fall upon the shoulders of the diminishing proportion of the population still productive.'

·      Message from Caroline Russell, Green Party London Assembly member :

   ‘Sorry not able to join this meeting but thought might be useful to share some work I’m doing at City Hall. Working with many NGOs representing older and disabled people over the last seven years I’ve pushed the Mayor to acknowledge that provision of toilets is part of providing an accessible transport system and got him to spend £15m on installing new and renovating old toilets. This PR has links to main steps in campaign in the notes to editors.


Working with Transport for All on launching their new report on accessibility and planning this week. Under embargo until Wed.


Engaging with many organisations including RNIB and Guide Dogs on finding a route through the discussion about making streets safer and more accessible. Especially looking at bus stop by passes. Caroline Russell London Assembly  member



·      From Mary-Ellen : A thread of issues to bring up with MPs and others:

·      From Mary-Ellen : Tweet by DPAC, with video from Dr Bob Gill on why he opposes the Assisted Suicide Bill.

·      From Mary-Ellen : Liz Carr's video 'Better off dead?'

·      From Charli (she/her) :

·      From David King :

·      From Mary-Ellen : Would love to have David King and all the other speakers and members of this join and be involved in the Climate Emergency Centres Wednesday Webinars 

This one's from last week.


Wednesday, 6 November 2024


 Following the US election result, this demonstration has been called for tonight 6/11/24 ,(with another planned for Saturday, details tbc).

It might be a big ask given the short notice, but any presence we can muster would be fantastic, so if you are able to get there please do.

Friday, 1 November 2024

climate trade union Events coming up for your diary


climate trade union Events coming up for your diary
Claire - Campaign against Climate Change
Hi allA quick email to pull together some of the main events and meetings coming up -
Mon 4th Green Party Trade Union Group's members' meeting
2024/Wed 6th Online meeting - Securing Justice: COP29 & Beyond, War on Want & CJC
Sat 9th ONLINE Energy Strategy Day (note change from in-person event)
Tues 12th Rosebank court case rally, Edinburgh
Wed 27th Building for a year of TU action on climate (and jobs) - online meeting following on from our meeting on 3rd October. More details to follow
Sat 30th Resisting Green Imperialism, Fighting for a Socially Just Transition, London
Sat 7th December Ecosocialism conference, London
Claire James
Campaigns Coordinator
Campaign against Climate Change
5 Caledonian Road
London W5 2EB