Tuesday 15 October 2024

Energy Campaigns Strategy Day, 9 November

 Hi all

Please do sign up for this event if you're available and share with anyone else who may be interested!

Are you campaigning for a better energy system for people and the climate? Would you like to link up with activists in other areas and on other issues and find out how your campaigning can support each other?

Book your place now for this strategy day in Leeds on 9th November: https://actionnetwork.org/ticketed_events/energy-campaigns-strategy-day

The day will be an opportunity to

  • Connect and network to build visibility and wider support for specific struggles - for example against new nuclear, biomass, carbon capture or new fossil fuels – and identify common demands and strategies
  • Explore how climate activists can support workers' just transition demands, and seek to identify collectively the needed elements of a movement for energy justice that brings workers, communities and activists together
  • Identify the labour requirements of a genuinely decarbonised and energy system and what is needed to get that labour in place
  • Bring a whole-economy, cross-sector approach to energy so as to build on intersections with struggles over economic, health, racial and gender justice.
  • Explore how different and complementary tactics and approaches can support each other

We plan to make elements of the day accessible for online participation, so please let us know if you would like to arrange this and we'll supply details nearer the time. For this, or any other questions, get in touch with Ellen - ellenrobottom@hotmail.com

Best wishes


Claire James
Campaigns Coordinator
Campaign against Climate Change
5 Caledonian Road
London W5 2EB

Monday 14 October 2024




Introduction 2

History 2

Transition 3

Proposals for the next Decade 4.












Conclusions 13

Acknowledgements 14


In this platform, we trace the development of a Green Socialist New Deal (GSND) from its origins in the ‘New Deal’ of the 1930s, to the more recent Green New Deal. We believe that the latter can only be effective in tackling the triple crises of finance, climate change and energy prices through an eco-socialist alliance of workers and trade unions that challenges the current capitalist order.

 We outline a set of interim proposals of a GSND, concluding that these medium- term changes would reduce climate change and also enhance our democracy and human welfare.


History of New Deals

The ‘New Deal’ was a package of regulations, financial reforms and public works in the USA introduced by President Roosevelt in response to the depression after 1929. It was designed to deliver “the three Rs” - Relief from poverty, economic Recovery and financial Reforms. Whilst full employment was not restored until after the USA joined World War II in 1941, when public expenditure for the war effort doubled GDP, the New Deal led to significant economic recovery, major improvements in health and growth in employment. Some programmes continue today and the concept of a New Deal remains a powerful symbol of what governments can achieve when free market mechanisms fail. 

In 2008 a group of prominent individuals in Britain (Economist Ann Pettifor, Caroline Lucas, the Guardian’s  Larry Elliott, Tony Juniper) published a set of proposals  under the title 'Green New Deal' (GND) in response to the  ‘triple crunch’ facing the world: the financial crisis in2007-8, accelerating climate change and soaring energy  prices.

This concept of a GND has enthused radical movements across the world and versions have proliferated on both sides of the Atlantic. Most are confined to technical measures for addressing climate change and the estimated cost of these. Few address the root causes of climate change, environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, poverty, inequality and injustice. For eco-socialists, a GND must involve restructuring societies and economies, through democratic discussion among workers, unemployed people and their organisations.

By 2019 – after ten years of Tory austerity – both Labour and the Green Party included versions of the GND in their General Election manifestoes.    Both featured imaginative proposals to rejuvenate Britain’s infrastructure, energy systems, housing, transport, environment, health and welfare. These were significant policy advances to build on but have been insufficiently radical

Transition to an eco-socialist future 

 Many proposals in our Green Socialist New Deal could be implemented in the medium term within Britain’s institutions and economic framework, as early steps delivering radical change at local, regional and national Green Socialist New Deal level. This would prepare for a longer transition to a postcapitalist, democratic, green socialist future, to be achieved by a new alliance of workers and eco-socialists

Proposals for the next decade



Government must legislate to ensure reductions in the use of coal, oil and gas, consistent with Carbon Net Zero, by 2030s. This objective will require a range of measures including:

 ➡ Carbon accounting by companies: a requirement to measure and report the carbon emissions for which they are responsible

➡ Carbon tax on industry and commerce, starting at £100 per ton and rising annually.

 ➡ Carbon budgeting and rationing at national, community and household levels. Personal Carbon Allowance starting around 1/2 ton per month and reducing each year.


Government must simultaneously ensure:

➡ Reductions in energy demand, through home insulation and energy conservation, modal shifts to electric mass transport (train, bus and tram) and elimination of fossil fuel use by 2030s.

➡ Major investments in renewable energy sources - solar, wind, wave, geothermal, hydro and tidal.

➡ Massive growth in material re-use and recycling of manufactured goods, clothing, commodities, metals, etc - towards a near Zero Waste system and zero toxic landfill.



 Studies indicate that moving to a carbon-free future can generate many good jobs, providing a Just Transition for those whose jobs were in carbon intensive industries:


➡ Workers will be needed in the fast-expanding renewable energy sectors (see above).


➡ The shift from gas and oil to electricity will require upgrading the national grid, creating thousands of jobs in construction and engineering.


 ➡ Τhe insulation of millions of homes to new energy standards, with installation of carbon-free heating, will require builders, electricians and fitters in large numbers.


➡ Jobs in the care sector and in organic agriculture/agro/forestry will expand as we transition from a profit[1]driven to a needs-based and sustainable economy.


Decarbonising requires major and rapid shifts in economic activity, replacing millions of jobs. This will need regional plans for guaranteed well-paid  replacement jobs with training and skills development in new low carbon sectors.

 It is vital that trade unions, workers and communities can design, lead and cooperate in planning, as well as all levels of government. New jobs must provide safe and healthy

working conditions and environmentally sustainable workplaces, as well as rights of workers to information on the environmental impacts of their work and whistleblower protection.

Other social groups besides workers - including unpaid carers, the disabled, pensioners and students - must share fairly in the ecological and social benefits of the transition. The working week must allow more flexibility for workers and their families, in terms of timing and number of hours/days at the workplace and at home.




Transport creates over 20% of carbon emissions. This must be reduced by over 90% by early 2030s. First we need reduce the need for transport by localising work, commerce, services to each community. Essential services, like health, should be within 20 minutes of most people. Hybrid working is here to stay. Long commuting shall end.


Complete rollout of digital broadband technology to cover everyone. This will involve a massive decentralisation of public and private services in urban areas and villages. This will help repopulate rural areas and further reduce wasteful commuting.


Make communities sustainable and food resilient. A huge shift from fossil fuel vehicles to electric, battery, flywheel, hydrogen power over the ten+ years.


End fossil fuel motors by 2032. Electric bus and coach network to be developed across the Britain connecting most towns and villages on an hourly timetable. Integrate public transport modes (Bus/ train)- all accessible. Phase in free bus travel, starting in inner-city areas. Re-open and electrify many closed rail-lines to connect districts across regions. Introduce a regional Travel Card, monthly at 50 pounds.


Complete electrification of railways alongside new urban tram networks by 2035. Phase out heavy lorries over 10 tonnes and transfer freight to rail. Only electric vans and lorries after 2030.


Build new walkways (pavements) and continuous cycle lanes linking most towns and villages across the countryside (up to 10 miles). Replace private motor traffic with electric car pooling and ultra-local car clubs.


Road pricing for private motor transport in cities (pound/mile). Carbon tax on all air travel and shipping (100 per tonne). Replace excess traffic with blue and green infrastructure corridors.


Build local, organic Market/community Gardens on the edge of towns and villages to reduce fresh food shopping/ commuting. So we aim for a clean, integrated, accessible public transport system covering the whole of Britain by 2035.... for the first time.


Land ownership is currently highly unequal and many large estates are unavailable for growing organic food, for public recreation or for re-wilding that benefits the environment, climate and biodiversity. Estates over 10,000 acres can be broken up and a Land Value Tax will apply to other estates. Britain is a fertile, temperate country which can feed itself easily.


Reduction of the 50% of food imported can be phased in by gradually restoring food self-sufficiency, while replacing intensive or industrialised farming with smaller mixed farms. Education, Incentives and rationing of high carbon products will gradually shift consumption habits towards a healthier, affordable and predominantly vegetarian/vegan diet culture, as is already happening. A target of 80% plant-based consumption is suggested, by  2032. In addition, legislation will ensure further improvements in animal rights and welfare.


Those less developed countries that currently export food to Britain will be able to use their land and water resources to meet the needs of their own populations, as was common before their land was taken over by mperialist merchants to generate private profit for themselves. Compensation could be paid by rich countries to help in the transition to local farming by indigenous people. Commercial fishing will convert to sustainable practices with trawling abolished, again benefitting local small-scale fishing.



There are millions of poorly-housed and homeless people in Britain. To deal with this, we need: 

➡ Public housing protected from sell-off or privatisation, i.e. abolition of 'Right to buy'. Target of 1 million new homes. Green Socialist New Deal

 ➡ Local Authorities will identify suitable empty buildings, acquiring and refurbishing for local housing. Implement new Vacancy tax on private properties empty over 6 months( 2x CT/LVT).

➡ Funds will be made available to local authorities for building new social, affordable, ‘passivhaus’ homes (mainly on brownfield sites) and to refurbish existing ones.

➡ Build 100,000 compact Eco-flats to meet urgent housing need.

➡ Renew non-profit Housing & Energy District Co-operatives.



Major public investment is required for free or affordable provision of social care, generating many new low carbon jobs where care workers are well-trained and well-paid. The shift from a profit-driven to a needs-driven approach will improve the welfare of care workers, family carers and those needing care.



The necessary changes will require investment of funds, partly from taxation and partly by other means. A Green Socialist New Deal will require:

 ➡ Nationalisation of some banks and the creation of a new People’s Bank

➡ Widespread implementation of non-profit community credit schemes

➡ Capital controls to protect against harmful, speculative capital movements

➡ Introduction of a Robin Hood tax on financial transactions Closure of tax loopholes, such as transfer of profits to low tax zones, hiding profits etc; increased corporation tax

➡ New taxes on high incomes, wealth, land value and pollution

➡ Cancellation of the expensive Public Finance Initiative (PFI) debts held mainly by hospitals



Currently public services are presented as financed by taxes levied on private economic activity. This implies that the public sector’s claim on the country’s resources is a burden on the private sector, whose claim is more legitimate than that of the public sector. Successive governments have used this to starve public services, especially the NHS, of the funding they require to meet community needs. Yet the community ultimately owns public sector assets – the commons that we inherit from our forbears - and should make the decisions about the level of economic resources invested in universal public services.


Green Socialist New Deal Universal services can include housing, employment , health and social care, public transport, education and training, energy and water, receiving an adequate share of investment from the Treasury.


A Universal Basic Income (UBI) for adults over 16, (with a child income managed by a parent), would greatly reduce absolute poverty especially among families with young children, together with an enhanced National Minimum Wage. A National Climate Service can co-ordinate regional and local action on climate. Much stronger measures will be needed to limit air and water pollution, conserve biodiversity, and prevent soil degradation. The Environment Agency must have greater powers of enforcement.




Moving towards a republican model of government, with increased devolution to the regions and local authorities and proportional representation at national, regional and local levels could revive democratic participation. Local and regional Citizens Assemblies could formulate public policy. Transform the House of Lords into a set of elected Scrutiny Committees or a Senate of Regions.



Medium term policies in the Green Socialist New Deal would be a major shift towards a real  democratic, equal and fair society based on human and environmental needs. 

We need to work for an alliance between Labour, Socialist and Green movements to implement these changes.


 Green House Think Tank

 Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) 

Zero Carbon Britain

 Campaign against Climate Change (CACC) Trade Union Group: 'Climate Jobs’ (2021) 

 Greener Jobs Alliance Green Party Manifesto 2021(US), 

 'Fight the Fire’ by Jonathan Neale 

 'What we need to do now' by Chris Goodall. 

 'Why we need a Green New Deal’ by Ann Pettifor. 

 Monthly Review, US Eco-Socialist Journal. 

Green Left London. 

New Economics Foundation Think Tank. 

With thanks to Contributors: Danny NcNamara, Jay Ginn, Peter Murry, Anne Gray, Les Levidew, Mike Shaughnessy and several others. 

Sunday 13 October 2024



 Committee 2024/5


a. Co-Chairs  Roy Sandison and Beccy Sawbridge

b. Deputy Chairs  

c.  Co-Secretaries Danny McNamara and Martin Francis

d. Treasurer Dave Taylor

e.  Membership Malcolm Bailey and Sue Tibbles

f.    Publications & Publicity Committee Roy Sandison Peter Murry,  Erwin Schaefer, Mark Douglas

g. Trade Union Liaison Sue Tibbles and Peter Murry

h, International Officer: Peter Allen

j     Equalities Officer Beccy Sawbridge


k.        Regional Officers 

WEST MIDLANDS Roy Sandison, 

SOUTH WEST Dave Taylor

SOUTH EAST Sue Tibbles

l Regional Contacts Coordinator 

m.Elections Coordinator 

n. Conference Coordinator 

q.Facebook Admins and Moderators Martin Francis, Mike Shaughnessy, Roy Sandison, Peter Murry, Erwin Schaeffer and Beccy Sawbridge.

 l. Admins for blog, website and other social media Peter Murry, Martin Francis

m. Another Europe Is Possible Erwin Schaeffer

GREEN LEFT CONSTITUTION (adopted at GL AGM 27/10/2007)

1. The Green Left (hereinafter GL), is a group open to members of the. Green Party of England & Wales , (hereinafter GPEW), who share its aims and those outlined in the Ecosocialist Manifesto, Paris 2001.

The aims of GL shall be to develop and advocate eco-socialist and anti-capitalist policies within GPEW and the Green movement, Trades Unions and the labour movement nationally, internationally, locally and regionally.

It shall do this by putting forward policy and campaign proposals to GPEW, the general public, the Green movement, Trades Unions and the labour movement nationally, internationally, locally and regionally.

It shall campaign on behalf of its aims by participating in Trades Union and other political and cultural events and by drafting and distributing appropriate publicity materials.

GL shall encourage Trades Unions, individuals and other appropriate and ethical organisations to give financial and other support to GPEW and shall encourage Trades Unions (at Branch, local regional or national level) to affiliate to GPEW. The actual mechanics of affiliation shall be dealt with by the Trades Union Liaison sub-committee of GPEX.

Membership of GL shall be open to any current members of GPEW. who share the aims and objectives of GL The usual method of joining will be payment of a subscription as agreed by the GL Steering Committee.

The GL Steering Committee shall comprise  Co-conveners, Secretary, Membership Secretary and  Treasurer, TU Liaison Officer. Other Committee posts may be created by the Committee as necessary subject to ratification by a meeting of GL.

The Committee shall normally be elected at the AGM.

The Annual general Meeting (AGM) of GL shall normally take place annually and be open to all GL members

Ordinary meetings of GL shall be open to all GL members

Extra Ordinary General Meetings can be called by petition of 25% of GL members or 10 GL members (whichever is the larger). EGMs can consider and enact motions to re-elect the Committee.
Steering Committee meetings shall take place if necessary between other meetings; usually they shall be open to all GL members

Where possible an Ordinary meeting of GL shall be held at GPEW National Conference, this may be additional to the normal schedule of Ordinary meetings of GL.

Decisions at GL meetings shall be by majority vote where necessary. Contentious or tied issues may be decided by a poll of all GL members

Committee members may take decisions or communicate on behalf of GL between Ordinary meetings of GL on matters that arise during these times, their decisions and communications shall be subject to ratification by a meeting of GL.

GL shall raise funds on its own behalf or for GPEW for campaigns in line with GL aims.

GL shall open a bank account to keep its funds which shall be spent in pursuance of its aims.

GL shall encourage the formation of local GL groups and or GL groups based on membership of a particular Trade Union or workplace

9 The GL constitution maybe changed at an AGM or an EGM.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Green Left, is planning to hold an online open meeting on ‘Disability and Ecosocialism'


Green Left, an ecosocialist tendency within the Green Party of England and Wales. is planning to hold an online open meeting on ‘Disability and Ecosocialism' to discuss the politics of disability and its relation to other aspects of Green and left politics in mid-November 2024.


Disability is a label applied to a wide variety of people. It can be used officially by agencies such as government, or unofficially in everyday speech, and many more hurtful terms may be used instead. It can lead to many forms of discrimination against those labelled ‘disabled’, in employment, in housing, in access to public facilities and in many other areas. Such discrimination has been challenged by the ‘disabled’ themselves, but how much has been gained?


If you would like to contribute to this meeting or can suggest suitable speakers, please contact Peter Murry at yrrumuk@googlemail.com

Saturday 10 August 2024



Hi everyone,

I'm sharing this as people may want to take the statement of solidarity (see below) to their own groups, branches and any other organisation to consider signing the statement of support. Note that the organisers are hoping to get signatures by the end of Monday, before sending the statement to the press.




You may have seen the news. A mass police effort resulting in at least 27 arrests and the impounding of tents, cooking equipment and wheelchair accessible trackway needed for Reclaim the Power Drax Camp has meant that the camp is unable to go ahead as planned. 

We are heartbroken and outraged at this response to stifle dissent and peaceful protest. However, we will not let polluters or police prevent us from speaking out against Drax's destruction. 

We are asking any organisation that feels comfortable to sign this statement in solidarity with Reclaim the Power. We are asking for signatories by the end of Monday if possible, and will then send it to the press and share publicly. 

➡️Show your support here: https://forms.gle/9Sf3JuAFwwEN72Xv6