Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Latest on Gaza protest in Law faculty Cambridge University

At 2.10.p.m. today (Tuesday 27th Jan) Cllr. Margaret Wright ,who had expressed the Green Party's support for those students occupying the Law Faculty building in the University of Cambridge in solidarity with the suffering of the palestinians in Gaza and with all those seeking peace in the area, was escorted from the Law Faculty Building.

She was responding to an invitation from Cambridge Gaza Solidarity.

When she made a request to speak with these students she was taken to a reception desk by security guards. Here she showed her councillor's ID and University Library card. She was told by the academic secretary to the faculty she could not speak to the students and that she was being
'escorted from the building'.

Once outside she was able to speak to a student representative who was dismayed at her treatment.

Cllr. Wright said,

'The University should be proud of students who are opposing injustices committed on a global scale. Cambridge students have a long tradition of such commitment. While I am certain the the University is able to police a peaceful protest on its premises in this manner, I am nevertheless disappointed that it is choosing to do so.'

See the Cambridge Gaza Solidarity website at http://cambridgegazasolidarity.blogspot.com

Best Wishes

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