Wednesday, 11 December 2013

38 degrees petition on Brighton cuts

We, residents of Brighton & Hove, call on our local Green and Labour councillors to take a stand against the government's funding cuts and refuse to vote for a  budget which passes these cuts on to local people.

Why is this important?

The local services threatened include care services for adults with learning disabilities and help for them to find work, support for people with mental health needs, day centres relied on by older people and social workers who help children and families.

We do not accept that these cuts are necessary. Council workers and local residents did not cause the financial crisis - it's wrong that we should be the ones to pay the price.

Green and Labour councillors in Brighton & Hove, we ask you to put aside your differences and take a principled stand in February 2014 by refusing to vote for a cuts budget. Please stand alongside the people who elected you and send a strong message to Westminster: "not in our name, enough is enough".
sign the  petition at
see also Oxfordshire cllr statement against cuts at
acknowledgements to Martin Francis

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