Sunday, 22 March 2015

Greece Solidarity - March 2015 Update

Greece Solidarity - March 2015 Update  

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EU u-turn on humanitarian crisis

After the latest talks the European Commission president has pledged £1.45 billion to address the humanitarian crisis in Greece. Read more
This comes days after the EC tried unsuccessfully to veto a new anti poverty law in Greece. Read more. 

Debt talks - latest 

The latest on the debt talks is that European Stability Mechanism confirmed on March 10 that it will be providing Greece half a billion euros.

The money is from the facility fund set up in 2010 to keep banks afloat in EU countries worst hit by the banking crisis. It had previously been unwilling to do this.  
Read more

Greek finance minister in Derry 7/3

Euclid Tsakalotos was given a warm welcome by Sinn Fein members at their March conference. Watch here.  

Leading members of Syriza have described the rise of Sinn Fein in opinion polls in ireland and for Podemos in Spain as 'the best help'  Read more

Westminster MPs host debt briefing 9/3

Euclid Tsakalotos addressed a briefing on the debt for MPs and Peers in the House of Commons, chaired by Jon Cruddas MP.

Leading economist and specialist in sovereign debt, Ann Pettifor, and Paul Mason, economics editor for Channel 4 news also spoke. Read more

German leaders on war reparations 

Senior Social Democrats and Greens in Germany broke from Merkel to say war reparations to Greece should be considered. Read more 

Manolis Glezos MEP (pictured) hero of resistance to the Nazis occupation and the anti austerity movement has led the campaign. 

European Greens call for new deal 

Greens in Europe urge new deal on the debt in order to address the humanitarian crisis, support economic recovery and make Greece's debt burden sustainable. Read more.  

Greece takes on the multi-nationals

Greece to ban global giants from public procurementsfor corrupt practices to secure previous public contracts. Read more. 

They have also revoked authorisation for Eldorado Gold to continue with the controversial Skouries mining project. Read more

Physios support Medical Aid for Greece  

Members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy held a fringe on Medical Aid For Greece at their annual conference.

Save Lewisham Hospital - link to Athens clinic 

Solidarity for All supports the development of solidarity structures in Greece, an essential party of the anti austerity movement. See new report.


New GSC group forms in Notts

Nottingham is one of a number of towns who have launched a local Greece Solidarity Campaign Group. Find them on Facebook.

If you are interested in setting up a GSC branch in your area please get in touch.

UCU Drop the Debt public meeting 

UCU and Greece Solidarity Campaign are holding a public meeting in central London thisTuesday 24 March 7pm.

Speakers: Paul Mackney, Chair GSC and former General Secretary of the UCU, Marina Prentoulis, Syriza London, Liz Lawrence current UCU President and John McDonnell MP Read more. 

Latest from VIOME 

Workers took over the VIOME factory in Thessonaliki after its former owners abandoned it 4 years ago leaving millions in unpaid wages.

Their initiative has become symbolic of the anti austerity movement in Greece. The former owners have been trying to block the collective from operating ever since. The latest round of this is in court tomorrowRead more

Greek Parliament launches debt audit 

On 17 March the Speaker of the Greek Parliament launched commission to investigate whether part of the Greek public debt is odious, illegal or illegitimate, saying 'people have a right to demand that the proportion of the debt that the commission finds to be illegal be cancelled'.Read more  

Russell Brand on Greek revolution against corruption 

Russell Brand has described the movement in Greece as a revolution against corruption and domination by oligarchy.

He suggests UK citizens should follow suit.
View on youtube 

How to get involved 

Join / affiliate 
Solidarity links 
All welcome at monthly national organising meetings

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Greece Solidarity Campaign
Housmans Bookshop
5 Caledonian Road
Islington, London N1 9DX
United Kingdom

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