Tuesday, 17 March 2015

The Green Party. Trade Union group sends its support to the Unite Community action against Benefit sanctions


The Green Party Trade Union group sends its support to the Unite Community action against Benefit sanctions which is taking place on Thursday 19th March 2015. These sanctions can have the consequence of totally impoverishing those upon whom they are inflicted. They can lead to hunger and extreme distress, add further burdens of debt and lead to evictions and homelessness. Sanctions are often inflicted for trivial reasons and are yet another example of how the government’s austerity policies are punishing the poor whilst leaving the rich and privileged unaffected. These sanctions are inhumane and should cease immediately.

Contact http://www.unitetheunion.org/growing-our-union/communitymembership/ to find out about the protests that will be taking place near you and what you can do to support them, further details are also available via the green left blog at http://greenleftblog.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/demonstrate-19032015-vs-benefit.html

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