Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Global Day of Action against TTIP

Jean is speaking at this event which is organised by: Global
Justice Now, War on Want, Friends of the Earth, Brick Lane Debates, Keep
Our NHS Public, noTTIP & Students Against TTIP.

More details below and at:
Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1614839095468184/

It's part of a Global Day of Action against TTIP. Please circulate to
anyone who might be interested.

'Democracy vs TTIP' - Day of Action  Shepherd's Bush Common

On 18 april 2015 activists around the world are taking to the streets
for a global day of action against free trade agreements.

So on 18 April in London we will be taking action against TTIP! A coalition
of organisations are organising: 'Democracy vs TTIP' an open, participatory
assembly on TTIP, followed by a series of creative actions to highlight the
threat TTIP poses to our NHS, food and environmental protection. We will
use the day to reach out widely to the public, bringing to light an issue
that is so crucial to us all but invisible to so many.

It will be an exciting day - join us!

Speakers at the assembly will include Jean Lambert MEP (Green Party) John
Hilary (Executive Director, War on Want), Guy Taylor (Trade Campaigner,
Global Justice Now), Blanche Jones (38Degrees), Sam Lowe (Friends of the
Earth), Gay Lee (Keep Our NHS Public) and more TBC.

Location: Shepherd's Bush Common

Time: 12pm

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1614839095468184/

More info: http://www.globaljustice.org.uk/events/ttip-day-action-london

Democracy vs TTIP is organised by: Global Justice Now, War on Want, Friends
of the Earth, Brick Lane Debates, Keep Our NHS Public, noTTIP & Students
Against TTIP.


Danny Bates
Constituency Co-ordinator and Researcher for Jean Lambert MEP
- London's Green Party Member of the European Parliament

Direct line: +44 (0)20 7250 8416
Mobile: +44 (0)7917 764 752

Web: http://www.jeanlambertmep.org.uk
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GreenJeanMEP
Twitter: ​@GreenJeanMEP​ <http://twitter.com/GreenJeanMEP>
Email: jeanlambert@greenmeps.org.uk

*Please let us know if you would like to receive email updates about Jean's
work as London's Green MEP.*

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