Tuesday, 7 April 2015

The People's Convention for the NHS | Saturday 11 April & End Austerity Now! National Demo | Saturday 20 June

The People's Convention for the NHS | Saturday 11 April
With a letter in today's Guardian, leading anti-austerity campaigners, trade unions and healthcare professionals set out the urgent need to defend our NHS against further privatisation and cuts. The People's Convention for the NHS will take place this Saturday 11 April at the Emmanuel Centre in London.

We are facing the biggest threat to the existence of the NHS since its foundation – the People’s Convention is essential in bringing together all those who are determined to defend it. Please support it.

You can book your free tickets for the conference here

End Austerity Now! National Demo | Saturday 20 June

Facebook | Website | #EndAustrityNow

Support for the People's Assembly national demonstration is growing. We want to send a clear message to the new government that they should abandon austerity policies and govern in the interests of the majority not the rich few. We're assembling the demonstration in the heart of the City of London, outside the Bank of England, to demand the people who created the problem in the first place should be the ones who pay for it. 

This weekend the National Union of Teachers passed a motion at their annual conference to back and mobilise for the demonstration. Coaches are already being booked from Manchester, Bristol, Newcastle, Cardiff, Swindon, York, Doncaster, Sunderland & more. We'll keep updating this page as they come in. If you can help organise a coach from your area, please get in touch.

A long list of supporters was published in the Guardian just after Osborne's budget.

Publicity materials
We have leaflets available from the office and will have stickers and posters printed soon.

Please contact us at the office to order some: office@thepeoplesassembly.org.uk or tel: 020 8525 6988. Electronic copies can be downloaded from the website here

London activists meeting Thursday 16 April
To help plan and mobilise for End Austerity Now national demonstration we are holding a meeting on Thursday 16 April at 6.30pm.

We need help with everything from mobilising to social media storms, fundraiser events, banner painting, design, placard making, press and publicity.

Please join us at the meeting and get involved:
Thursday 16 April, 6:30pm
Unite the Union, London and Eastern
33-37 Moreland Street
London EC1V 8BB

Please reply to this email and let us know if you're planning on attending so we have an idea of numbers. Also if you have any specific skills / ideas about how we can reach the maximum amount of people please do let us know.

More details on our facebook event page here

People's Assembly Podcast
We're putting together bi-monthly podcasts with the lastest news from the movement, analysis & event reports. Please do sign up and share. Click here

The People's Assembly Against Austerity
The People's Assembly Against Austerity · United Kingdom
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You can also keep up with The People's Assembly Against Austerity on Twitter orFacebook.

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