Wednesday, 13 May 2015

7 Reasons to demonstrate on Saturday 20 June:

7 Reasons to demonstrate on Saturday 20 June:

End Austerity Now National Demonstration
Assemble 12pm, Sat 20 June, Bank of England (more details to follow)

Reason 1) The government plans £12 billion in welfare cuts targeting the poorest in society.
Take Action:
Organise a coach or transport to come to the demo on Saturday 20 June or join one already organised. Call the office for advise (hundreds of transport details are yet to be added to our list - please send us in the details asap so we can update). Contact details below.
Reason 2) The new Tory disabilities minister opposed protecting benefits for disabled children and cancer patients
Take Action:
Organise a People's Assembly meeting in your area to help build the national demonstration & organise activity locally. Contact the office and we'll send a speaker.
Reason 3) Michael Gove has been appointed justice secretary. In 1999, when he worked for the Times, he called for hanging to be brought back as a punishment. He's also attempting to scrap the Human Rights Act.
Take Action:
Invite all your friends to the demonstration event page on facebook – over 53,000 people have already pledged to attend.
Reason 4) Cameron is announcing new plans to target 'extremists' giving the government powers to target anyone they think is undermining 'democracy'. This policy will be used to attack the Muslim community, and how long will it be before anti-austerity protesters get targeted too?
Take Action:
Set up leafleting or a stall on the weekends running up to the demo on your high street.Local People's Assembly groups will be organising these across the country. If you can help let us know and we'll put you in touch with people in your area. Order publicity here
Reason 5) The new equalities secretary voted against gay marriage
Take Action:
Put up a poster advertising the demo in your window & put stickers in prominent places. Let make sure people can't go anywhere without seeing the demonstration publicity!Order publicity here
Reason 6) The new business secretary wants to make it harder for trade unions to take strike action.
Take Action:
Are you in a trade union? Get your branch to pass this motion of support and ask the union to send details to all members. Trade Unions are organising blocs for their members to march together on the day.
Reason 7) The government plans to end social housing as we know it.
Take Action:
Volunteer! We need hundreds of people to help out in the next few weeks. If you can spare a few hours to help out in the office please get in touch.
Urgent appeal
This demonstration is more important than ever. It needs to be massive. We urgently need to raise funds to make sure we can reach as many people as possible.

We have launched an urgent appeal to all our supporters to make a donation. The more money we raise, the more coaches we can put on, meetings we can organise, leaflets we can print, and more people we can put on the streets.
No amount is too big or too small! Click here to donate
donate_pa.jpgContact us:
The People's Assembly | 020 8525 6988
(please leave a message if you can't get through - we're getting hundreds of calls at the moment!)


The People's Assembly Against Austerity
The People's Assembly Against Austerity · United Kingdom
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