Friday, 29 May 2015

We support and pledge to build solidarity with the Network Rail workers’ national dispute over pay and conditions, and the RMT’s upcoming industrial action.

Labour movement activists from a variety of unions and campaigns have launched the following statement in solidarity with the Network Rail strike. To add your name, email
Details of the strikes can be found on the RMT website, here.

We support and pledge to build solidarity with the Network Rail workers’ national dispute over pay and conditions, and the RMT’s upcoming industrial action.
In the first large national dispute under the new government, we are committed to helping the workers to win. It is unjust and unacceptable for bosses on huge salaries and bonuses to hold down the pay and conditions of the people who maintain and operate our national railway system. As the economy grows, effective labour movement action can drive up the share that goes to the working class. Moreover, we believe that a secure workforce with decent pay and working conditions is essential to a safe and reliable railway service.
We will not let the Tories target and defeat our brothers and sisters at Network Rail. We oppose Network Rail’s attempts to use the courts to undermine ballots. We oppose the threat of new anti-union laws, and will campaign against them, including by calling for a trade-union-led national demonstration.
Initial signatories (all in a personal capacity, positions/organisations given for information only):
Daniel Randall, RMT London Transport Region Young Members’ Officer
Holly Smith, ex-rep, GMB City Clean (Brighton Council)
Peter Dwyer, Treasurer, Ruskin College UCU
Ed Whitby, Convenor, Newcastle City Unison
Gordon Moloney, President, National Union of Students Scotland
Daniel Cooper, Executive Member, National Union of Students
Edd Mustill, Branch Officer, Unite NW/0152M
Craig Gent, Committee Member, Warwick University UCU
Josh Chown, Chair, Surrey Labour Students
Rida Vaquas, Under-19s Officer, Young Labour
Mark Bergfeld, activist-writer and PhD Researcher, Queen Mary University of London
Omar Raii, External Affairs & Campaigns Officer, University College London Union
Liam McNulty, Youth Officer, Hornsey and Wood Green Constituency Labour Party
James McAsh, Executive Committee, London Young Labour
Ing. Martin Mair, Chairman, Aktive Arbeitslose Österreich (“Active Unemployed Austria”)
Natalie Smith, RMT Bakerloo Line branch
Vincent Thurgood
Alasdair Clark

Mike Williamson
Jack Cornforth
Clare Copeland
Tristan Grove
Ygraine Emrys
Andy Warren
Chris Hyde
Kevin Carson

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