Saturday, 6 June 2015

A great gathering for voting reform in London!

A great gathering for voting reform in London!

Owen Winter
Tredrizzick, United Kingdom
6 Jun 2015 — Join the event here:

Or sign up to let us know you are coming here:

You’ve asked for it, so lets deliver it!

Hello Friends, 

It’s been an amazing couple of months. When my petition started, I never expected such a great response. And with our new friends from the other petitions, we have been building a broad coalition for voting reform. Nearly 500,000 people have signed up already to demand a vote that counts.

We join a long line of democratic movements going back over a century who have fought for the right to vote - and to a vote that counts. 

With thousands signed up to volunteer with us, we are ready to take further action. We start with a huge event to celebrate our cause, and begin to build pressure for change.

So, we would like to invite you to join us for a Great Gathering on Saturday 25th July outside Parliament in London. There will be several activities you can help take part in, as well as speakers, and actions you can continue in your own towns and communities. 

Come along and demand a vote that counts!
Great Gathering for Voting Reform! | Facebook
Great Gathering for Voting Reform! | Facebook
start with a huge event to celebrate our cause, and begin to build pressure for change. So, we would like to invite you to join us for a Great Gathering on Saturday 25th July outside Parliament in London.

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