Wednesday, 30 March 2016

The People's Assembly Against Austerity: Doctors & Teachers to strike - Support on 16 April

Sometimes things can change very quickly in politics. After 6 years of an aggressive Tory led government it sometimes felt like there was no way to stop them. However, in the last few weeks, we've seen the wheels start to fall off the austerity train and it's not looking so good for the Tories any more. 

Over the last few days the teaching unions held their annual conferences. The National Union of Teachers voted overwhelmingly to ballot for strike action following the governments disastrous decision to force all schools to become academies. Christine Blower General Secretary of the NUT said "if there is scope to take action with junior doctors, you can be sure we will." Education Secretary, Nicky Morgan, was humiliated as she made a disastrous speech at teaching union NASUWT conference > watch here

The British Medical Association also announced last week they would be escalating the junior doctor strike action taking place on 26/27 April to an all out strike. 

Support the strikes: Join the demonstration

This makes the national demonstration on Saturday 16 April more important than ever. That demonstration is the place to be to show solidarity with the strikes, to give confidence and strengthen further action in our workplaces, and to demonstrate to the government that we are united against austerity.

Saturday 16 April 2016 | National Demonstration
March for Health, Homes, Jobs, Education 
Assemble: 1pm, Gower Street, London NW1 
March to Trafalgar Square
We're pleased to announce that the demonstration will be marching to Trafalgar Square. Christine Blower and striking Junior Doctors will be amongst those that will address the rally - alongside student nurses, housing campaigners, trade unionists, MPs and celebs (details to be announced soon).

Don't just come - get involved! 
The demonstration needs to be massive, and that means it's up to everyone to make sure it becomes as big as possible. We have no big media or corporate backers so we need your help

If you can help with any of the suggested activities in your area (or have any other ideas of other things you can do), please email so we can compile a list of actions, get you publicity, & put you in touch with others who can help. 

1. Weekend actionsBig leafleting sessions & street stalls to publicise the demonstration on 2 & 9 April. Targeting shopping centres, high streets, markets and more.

2. Leaflet your local train / tube station - weekdays
Leaflet at train stations either before or after work. Let us know your nearest station and what day / times you could do in the next couple of weeks. Just half an hour at rush hours will reach hundreds of people. 

3. Leaflet your street / estate
Put leaflets for the demonstration through every house or flat on your street or estate. Doesn't take long and is an effective way to publicise the demo! 

If you are able to do any of these things please contact us so we know what is being planned. We can also put you in touch with others in your area who are helping out too.
We can send you fliers, posters, stickers & more.

Useful demo links:

The People's Assembly Against Austerity

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