Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Today Palestinians observe Yom al-Ard, Land Day.

Today Palestinians observe Yom al-Ard, Land Day. On this day in 1976, Palestinian citizens of Israel held strikes and marches to protest land grabs, and the Israeli army and police cracked down violently, killing six unarmed protesters, wounding tens more and arresting hundreds. Since then, Palestinians around the world have used the day to commemorate those fallen and to recommit to their struggle.

Forty years later, Palestinians are still struggling for justice in the face of systematic land expropriation by the Israeli state. In the first three months of 2016, Israeli forces have dismantled or confiscated over 300 Palestinian homes and other structures, leaving hundreds homeless. And while demolitions increase, illegal Israeli settlements continue to expand, accompanied by a terrifying spike in Israeli settler and military violence against Palestinians.
This unjust system thrives on international support from the UK and other countries. That’s why we are part of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, to put an end to UK complicity in Israeli Apartheid and to support the Palestinian struggle for freedom and justice.
We know that our campaigning works. BDS campaigns have successfully pressured companies that provide crucial infrastructure for Israeli Apartheid, like G4S and Veolia, to end their operations in Israel.

It is precisely because of our effectiveness that the UK government is trying to clamp down on our movement. If we don’t fight to stop it, a government proposal being considered now might ban local councils from implementing boycotts and divestment.

The BDS movement is our most powerful tool to support the Palestinian struggle for justice. If you haven’t done so already, email your MP today to protect our democratic right to campaign and protest through BDS tactics.

Best regards,
Ryvka Barnard
Militarism and Security Campaigner, War on Want

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