Brighton People's Assembly Against Austerity News |
Next Organising Meeting Wed 1st June, 7.30pm @ Brighthelm Centre - all welcome!
Thanks to Mike and John for chairing and Sam and Katie for taking minutes at the May organising meeting. Minutes are here on the website. We agreed that the next organising meeting will have a new format starting with an agreed theme about austerity and led by a local activist. Check out the agenda below:
Part 1: New Lightening Teach-in! 7.30pm We'll start with tea/coffee - bring a snack to share. Then 25 minute teach ins at the start of each meeting on key themes about austerity. We teach ourselves: key points from someone involved in the theme; discussion in small groups, talk in whole group.
7.40pm Lightening Teach in - # 1 Aidan Pettitt on What's going on in Education?
Part 2: Organising meeting 8.30pm Organising ourselves: Social Media and website development and update ~ Ben
8:40pm Updates: Voluntary Sector Charter Launch What when and how ~ Mike The Synergy Centre and Workfare report back and discussion ~ John & Sam
9:00pm Finance Update ~ John
9:05pm Actions against austerity and group reports: What next, new ideas, who does what? 9:20pm Announcements: Share your actions/ protests/ calls for support
9:25pm Next meeting - Wednesday 6 July Agree: Discuss and learn topic, minute taker & chair
9.30pm End |
Launch of local Stand Up To Racism group, Tues 24th 7.30pm @ Brighthelm Centre
There will be two main focuses of the meeting - mobilising for a counter-demo to the fascist March for Britain "No more Refugees" protest on June 4th and building positive support for refugees and especially the Convoy to Calais on June 18th. Confirmed speakers include Zak Cochrane, Deputy Chair of Stand Up To Racism, Elaine Ortiz of th Hummingbird project, and Andy Richards of Brighton, Hove and District Trades Council. |
Local Campaigns: Actions, Events & Meetings |
The End of Our (N)HS? The Sustainability & Transformation Plan
Join the Protest at Brighton & Hove Clinical Commissioning Group, Tues 24th May 12.30pm onwards @ Brighthelm Centre
What is STP? Like the rest of the country it is highly unlikely you will have heard of this well-kept government secret which has had barely any media coverage. STP is the government plan for a destructive, England-wide, top-down re-organisation of the NHS, which will result in its wholesale fragmentation. STP is being forced through with NO parliamentary approval, NO consultation and NO local accountability. STP will change all our lives for the worse.
What can you do?
- Join us all on May 24th.
- Where do your local councillors stand? Email them – find their address on
- Push your MP to challenge the imposition of this wholesale restructuring and loss of accountability.
- Write letters to the local and national press.
- We are also planning a major public meeting –Our NHS: Going, Going…far from Gone,Thurs 30 June 7-9 pm @ St Georges Church
For more information – Defend the NHS Sussex website |
'STREET STORIES' Sat 28th May, 11-4pm @ Brighton Art Market, Brighthelm. Last chance to see this exhibition facilitated by Love Activists Brighton & OpSafe Winter -Brighton. Facebook event page here.'Love Kitchen' is still being set up every Sunday where possible. See the facebook page for details. Donations of food and equipment welcome. No cash donations accepted. If you would like to be part of the Love Kitchen Crews or Coordinate please email
Stop the Fascist March in Brighton Saturday 4 June: Assemble from 10am outside Brighton railway station
On the 4th of June, a group of far-right racists want to protest in Brighton against refugees.The group, calling themselves "South Coast Resistance" or "Pie and Mash Squad" say they're opposed to our city hosting any refugees whilst British people are homless. In reality, this is simply an excuse for their undisguised racism. These fascists don't care about homelessness, they just want to keep refugees out. We're calling for people to gather at the train station at 10:30am on Saturday 4th June, to show these fascists they're not welcome in our city. More details on facebook page. |
- The Divide - film screening Tues 24 May 8.15pm @ Friends'Meeting House, Ship Street ~ Organised by Momentum & Sussex LRC. The film of the bestseller "The Spirit Level", which highlights the effect on all of our lives of the gap between rich and poor. Introduction by Mark Serwotka and refreshments will be available beforehand. Tickets (£4 waged, £2 concessions)
- Stand-up to racism & stop witch-hunts Wed 1 June 7.15pm @ Friends' Meeting House ~ Organised by Momentum and the LRC. As Labour's enquiry into anti-Semitism within the Party gets underway, this meeting will discuss the need to fight all forms of racism and take appropriate action against any member who actually has made anti-Semitic comments. But there must be an immediate end to the suspension of Labour members on a spurious basis, into which category the suspension of well-known anti-racism campaigner and Momentum vice-Chair Jackie Walker clearly falls. At this meeting Jackie will speak about stopping these spurious suspensions. Jackie will be joined on the panel by Ian Saville from the Jewish Socialists' Group.
- Defend NHS Organising Meeting, Tues 14 June 7 – 9pm@ Dorset gardens Methodist Church ~ All supporters welcome are welcome at our regular organising meeting.
- Bringing Corbyn's New Politics into UNISON, Tues 22 June 7pm @Community Base (South Wing entrance) ~ Organised by Momentum as UNISON conference fringe meeting to discuss not just how vital trade unions are in protecting working people in countering the onslaught from the Tory Government but also how they matter to Jeremy Corbyn as he seeks to democratise the Labour Party and transform Britain. Speakers include Momentum co-founder Jon Lansman, Ruth Cashman of Save Our Libraries, which campaigns with trade union support to save our public services, and leading UNISON representatives Gordon McKay, Jon Rogers & Dan Sartin, who will discuss how trade unions can be made more democratic.
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