Friday, 20 May 2016

demand Greece gets a chance to breathe.

Next Tuesday finance ministers from across Europe will be discussing debt relief for Greece. This has happened because people like you have demanded a fair deal for Greece. Now we need to demand Greece gets a chance to breathe. 
Please share this image on Facebook or send a message on Twitter and stand with the people of Greece.  
Greek hospitals are running out of syringes and buses don’t run because of a lack of spare parts. Without proper debt cancellation and a reversal of damaging austerity policies, the people of Greece face many more years, even decades, of stagnation, high unemployment, high poverty and increasing debt. 
A significant write-off of Greece’s debt is the only way to end the never-ending austerity story and give Greece a chance to rebuild its economy and society in the interests of Greece and Europe as a whole.
We must demand that the Eurogroup cancel Greek debt. Please send a message to Jeroen Dijsselbloem the President of the Eurogroup by sharing this image or sending a message on twitter by clicking here.
People all across Europe are taking action this weekend. Together we can demand a Europe that stops punishing the people of Greece. 
Thank-you for standing with the people of Greece. 
Solidarity Forever! 
Owen Espley
Senior Economic Justice Campaigner 
P.S. If you are not on social media you can send a letter to Jeroen Dijsselbloem, President of the Eurogroup, c/o Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175, B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel, Belgique/België or you can phone the Council of the European Union on Tel: +32 22816111 [NB It's a Belgian phone number so may incur international charges] or via Fax: +32 22816934

War on Want logoWar on Want fights against the root causes of poverty and human rights violations, as part of the worldwide movement for global justice. Learn more about War on Want here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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