Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Should trade unionists oppose a third Heathrow runway?

Public Meeting
Should trade unionists oppose a third Heathrow runway?
The election of a new Mayor of London will add to the pressure for a decision on the building of a third runway at Heathrow. For trade unionists this poses the dilemma of whether the advantages in terms of the creation of jobs outweigh local and global environmental considerations. This meeting aims to discuss the issue from all points of view and seek to resolve the contradiction between the need to create jobs and the preservation of a habitable environment.

Speakers: Manuel Cortes, General Secretary, TSSA; Chris Baugh, Assistant General Secretary, PCS;  John Stewart, Chair, HACAN

Tuesday 17th May, 7.30 pm 
St Paul’s Centre, St Paul’s Church, 
Queen Caroline Street, London W6 9PJ 
A short walk from Hammersmith Underground station

Organised by Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group with assistance from HACAN. All welcome.

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