Friday, 24 June 2016

Frackfree Ryedale

Union Motions against fracking

In the wake of North Yorkshire County Council’s decision to allow fracking at Kirby Misperton, people within the union movement are supporting the people of Ryedale in their efforts to stop fracking. A number of Trade Unions such as UNITE, The Transport and Salaried Staff Association (TSSA) and the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) have already passed anti-fracking motions, and many other unions are taking steps to join them.
The following two motions have been drawn up to enable union members to raise this issue within their local branches and regions. If you are a union member or representative, please consider raising one of the following motions with your branch or region. To do so you need to be a paid-up member of the union, of course. If your union membership has lapsed, then please remember to renew your membership before putting forward the motion. If you are not sure how to do this, your union rep will be able to advise on procedure.
The first motion relates to the People’s Declaration, and is appropriate for any union. This motion calls for the union to:
  • oppose fracking in North Yorkshire and across the UK as unwanted, unnecessary and unsafe.
  • promote the People’s Declaration against fracking among its members.
  • publicise local and regional events opposing fracking and encourage its members to attend them.
  • put pressure on political parties and the TUC to adopt clearly anti-fracking and pro-climate jobs positions.
You can download a copy of the motion by clicking on the link below.
This motion is aimed specifically for school workers’ unions (the ASCL, ATL, GMB, NAHT, NASUWT, NUT, UNISON) and focuses on opposing the INEOS Go Run for Fun events, which the company are promoting across the UK and Europe. The motion calls for the union to:
  • oppose fracking as unpopular, unnecessary and unsafe, particularly given the documented health risk for children.
  • oppose the INEOS Go Run for Fun events as part of a charm offensive to win over communities and detoxify fracking.
  • promote the People’s Declaration against fracking among its members.
  • encourage its members to raise awareness about the INEOS Go Run For Fun events in their workplaces and to campaign against participating in them.
  • put pressure on political parties and the TUC to adopt clearly anti-fracking and pro-climate jobs positions.
You can download a copy of the motion by clicking on the link below.
  • Print out the motion above and take some time to read it carefully. There are footnotes with references if you would like to do more background reading on any particular aspect of the motions.
  • Talk to your branch or union representative to find out how a motion can be raised.
  • Find another union member to second the motion (you both need to add your names and signatures to the motions)
  • Raise the motion at the next meeting. You may be asked to speak in favour of the motion, so be prepared!
  • If the motion is passed, please spread the word with other people in your union from different branches or regions.
  • Also please let us know if the motion is passed by contacting us.
School Communities
Fun runs have already been held in Leeds, Newcastle and elsewhere and are advertised on the Go Run For Fun website. It is likely that the schools would be invited to participate directly by INEOS.
If you are a parent, parent governor or volunteer working in a primary school and wish to raise awareness that fracking company INEOS are backing these events, here are some things you can do:
– Ask your child’s class teacher to raise the issue in the staff room or with the head teacher.
– Ask the head teacher directly to consider the schools position carefully. You can take the union motion with you for information.
– Raise it at school board level and ask them to clarify the school’s position on working with fracking companies such as INEOS.
– write to the education department in your area to raise your objection that these events are being promoted.
– contact your local district and county councillor to ask them to raise the issue with the sports and education authorities and schools departments.

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