Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Refugees Welcome – London rally on eve of Convoy to Calais -

Refugees Welcome – London rally on eve of Convoy to Calais

The evening before hundreds of vehicles leave Whitehall to take aid and solidarity to the refugees in Calais, we’ll be holding a rally to demand the UK government allows safe passage to the refugees into the UK. Refugees who have been displaced by desperate situations, wars and western intervention.
Join us, Friday 17 June 6:30pm Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, London, SW1P 3DW
More info about the Convoy to Calais can be found at convoytocalais.org.
Limited ferry spaces are still available,
Speakers include:
John McDonnell, MP
Gary Younge, Guardian Columnist
Rufus Hound, Comedian and Actor
Kate Osamor, MP
Sam Fairbairn, People’s Assembly
Sabby Dhalu & Weyman Bennett, Stand Up to Racism
John Rees, Stop the War Coalition
Roger McKenzie, UNISON
More to announced

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