Tuesday, 28 June 2016

SERTUC activities and news

SERTUC activities and news

SERTUC Regional Council

Saturday 9 July Congress House, 10am to 1pm. All trade unionists in the Region are welcome to attend as visitors, but must register before the meeting at sertuc@tuc.org.uk Speakers are:
·         Richard Howitt MEP – EU update
·         Gerry Morrissey, General Secretary – BECTU update

Burston Strike School Rally

Sunday 4 September with Mick Whelan ASLEF, TUC President Liz Snape, Attila the Stockbroker, Steve White and the Protest Family, NASUWT Brass Band, Red Flag, Grace Petrie, Banner Theatre 1st May Band and John McDonnell MP Shadow Chancellorhttps://burstonstrikeschool.wordpress.com/2016-rally/

Trade union actions

NUT strike: Standing up for Education Tuesday 5 July

East of England events h.bucky@nut.org.uk
·         Ipswich: 10.30 Giles Statue for rally and leafleting. 12 noon picnic for teachers, parents and children in Christchurch Park
·         Chelmsford: march and rally assembling from noon at the top of the High Street opposite Shire Hall
·         Cambridge: joint action with UCU Anglia Ruskin University. Assemble on Donkey Common at 11am for a rally, then march round the town back to the Common for a couple of final speeches
·         March and rally assemble from 11am at Portland Place, march at 12 noon, rally from 1.30 in Parliament Square

Unite Community Southampton

LeftFest Saturday 23 July 11am A celebration of local left and progressive activism https://www.facebook.com/events/459815010890091/

Unite Bromley march to save our services

Saturday 23 July 11am contact Onay.Kasab@unitetheunion.org 07771 818 637

Unite Community campaign for housing in Cambridge

Nautilus International supporting ITF

The International Transport Workers Federation’s petition to protect transport workers’ jobs – one million signatures needed https://www.fairtransporteurope.eu/


TUC comment on the European Referendum

Midland Region TUC demo

Demonstration at the Conservative Party conference Sunday 2 October, Birmingham with Dave Prentis Unison, Tom Roache GMB, Owen Jones writer https://www.tuc.org.uk/events/austerity-has-failed-demonstrate-us-conservative-party-conference-october-2

Unionlearn annual conference Monday 4 July

Speakers include Frances O’Grady TUC, Simon Kirby HS2, Barbara Byrd AFL-CIO https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/unionlearn-annual-conference-july-2016-tickets-24453008607?ref=ebapi

Trades Council actions

Lambeth at the Lambeth Country Show

16 and 17 July Lambeth trades council will be having their usual trades union marquee. Included are the Lambeth & Wandsworth Palestine Solidarity Campaign http://lambethcountryshow.co.uk/

Greenwich and Bexley street stall

Saturday 23 July at Charlton Community Day contact lynnechristinechamberlain@gmail.com

Barking, Dagenham and Havering is going to Tolpuddle

Free coach leaving Dagenham at 7.45am on Sunday 17 July, leaving Tolpuddle at 5.45pm. £5 returnable deposit will be returned on the coach. Contact s.aitouaziz@hotmail.com

Brent commemorates Grunwick 40

It’s 40 years since the Grunwick strike https://www.facebook.com/Grunwick40/

GLATUC briefing

All London trades council officers and delegates welcome Tuesday 19 July 7pm contact peterlspalding@yahoo.co.uk

Other actions/events

Day of Action against Personal Independence Payments

Wednesday 13 July Ipswich action 11.30am https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=1541475526160241

Palestine Youth Orchestra UK tour

Royal Festival Hall London Monday 1 August 7.30pm http://www.palmusic.org.uk/pyo-uk-tour-2016-dates-announced/

Penge Trade Union & Social Club

It does what it says on the tin… Bar, upstairs ballroom, and more http://theroystonclub.wix.com/roystonhalls

Redbridge Forest Farm Peace Garden

Sunday 10 July World Music Day, free and family friendly, 12 noon to 5pm https://forestfarmpeacegarden.wordpress.com/events/upcoming-and-recent-events/

Cuba Solidarity Campaign

·         Miami Five Freedom Walk Sunday 3 July 11am http://www.cuba-solidarity.org.uk/events/67/miami-five-freedom-walk
·         Miami Five Freedom Tour Friday 15 July 6.30pm http://www.cuba-solidarity.org.uk/news/article/3057/miami-five-freedom-tour-dates

Thanet Labour Councillors public meeting

On WASPI – Women Against State Pension Inequality Saturday 9 July Ramsgate, more info Karen@karenconstantine.co.uk

Tolpuddle Festival

15 to 17 July 2016 the annual event commemorating the contribution of the Tolpuddle Martyrs http://www.tolpuddlemartyrs.org.uk/welcome

Sylvia Pankhurst Memorial Lecture

Saturday 13 August 7pm at Wortley Hall, near Sheffield. Lecture by Ruth Taillon “Socialism, Feminism and the Women of 1916”http://sylviapankhurst.gn.apc.org/index.htm

Marx Memorial Library events

·         NOW: Exhibition: Socialist Opposition to World War 1 will be at Congress House 25 June to 11 July
·         Friday 1 July 7pm Ciaran Walsh will recite Heathcote Williams epic poem https://www.facebook.com/events/1605105069801540/
·         17-30 October Remembering the International Brigades, two week festival http://www.marx-memorial-library.org/education/festival-remembering-the-international-brigades
·         Appeal for a plans chest for posters http://www.marx-memorial-library.org.uk/support-us/plan-chest-appeal
·         Socialist Opposition to World War One exhibition http://marx-memorial-library.org.uk/ww1 At Congress House 25 June to 11 July

International Brigades Memorial Trust

London commemoration Saturday 2 July 1pm 80th anniversary of the start of the Spanish Civil War, with Maxine Peake, Paul PrestonJubilee Gardens http://www.international-brigades.org.uk/content/2-july-london more from secretary@international-brigades.org.uk

Send a piano to Cuba

·         Gala concert Saturday 2 July 7.30pm https://billetto.co.uk/piano2cuba

More music for the NHS

Ada Salter Day

Friday 15 and Saturday 16 July Many events to celebrate this outstanding campaigner. Bermondsey https://www.facebook.com/Ada-Salter-184825278285812/

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