Tuesday, 4 July 2017

The People's Assembly Against Austerity: See you in Manchester!

This Saturday we served Theresa May notice... it's time for her to step aside. Her coalition of chaos must end now. Over 100,000 people joined us in central London called with only three weeks notice. 

Thank you to all those who spent hours leafleting, organising and networking to get people there. Thank you to all the Unions & campaigns who supported and donated to make sure it could happen. Thank you to all the volunteers on the day. Thank you to the speakers and performers. Thank you to everyone who came! 

Check out this fantastic video of the day which gives a great feel for the positive energy and political anger that was palpable on the day. 

(Video by Eugen)

Click here to play

We were joined by a fantastic line up of speakers and artists, including, Jeremy Corbyn MP, John McDonnell MP, Diane Abbott MP, Sian Berry, Mark Serwotka, Len McCluskey, Shy FX, Captain Ska, Wolf Alice, Get Cape. Wear Cape Fly, Peace, Sink the Pink and so much more... This is what we can do with only three weeks to organise, just think what we'll be able to pull off for our week of action during the Tory Party Conference in Manchester this coming October. 

What is Next?

We now have to shift our attention on to the Conservative Party conference Saturday 30th September - Wednesday 4th October in Manchester.
We're planning on a week of politics, culture and protest like nothing we've ever done before, including a massive National demonstration on Sunday 1 October, the day the Tory Party conference starts. In 2015 we held 'Take Back Manchester' which brought in thousands from all over the country... this time we need to build on that, and make sure they know they're politics of austerity, racism and war mongering are not welcome there.

We'll be mobilising from across the country to get people there. If you're in or around the Manchester area we're holding an open planning meeting for the week of action on 18 July, please do come along to get involved. Details here

Look out for updates coming soon. 

To do this we need your help

It's become clear that the Tories are weaker and weaker, unable to pursue the vicious policies they put forward in their Manifesto of Misery. This is because of enormous political pressure, both from the opposition in parliament and public opinion. It's our responsibility to continue to make sure that opposition on the streets is felt, the big mobilisations have a huge impact on national politics right now. 

To continue to do this we need to raise as much money as possible - we're asking everyone to donate whatever you feel you can each month so we can put on more events and actions like we did last Saturday. However small or large an amount you can afford, it all makes a huge difference to what we can achieve. 

Click here to set up a donation to the People's Assembly Against Austerity

See you in Manchester! 

The People's Assembly Against Austerity

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