Thursday 17 January 2019

The regular events newsletter from the TUC in your region 19 January 2019- LESE Regional Council

The regular events newsletter from the TUC in your region 19 January 2019- LESE Regional Council

The regular events newsletter from the TUC in your region
19 January 2019- LESE Regional Council

The Regional Council is appointed annually by affiliates and county associations of trades councils and meets four times a year to discuss both how to achieve policy determined at the national TUC and to make specific policies on regional issues. At its Annual General Meeting, it elects officers and an Executive Committee that meets monthly. To register as an observer please contact  <>

♥ Unions Week 11-17 February

This years theme is challenging zero hour contracts- more information to follow.

16 February - LESE Transport Industries Network "Artificial Intelligence Robots New Technology Automation"

Unite Offices, Theobald Road, London, WC1X 8TN

Where now for transport workers? A serious detailed exploration of what is happening in transport and what we need to do. Key speakers include: Sharon Graham UNITE, Leonardo Impett and Victor Figueroa ITF

16 February 209- A day school -  'Humanising Migration Narratives post Brexit', to be held on the organised by the  ‘Ella Baker School of Transformative Organising’ in association with Unite Community.

The event will bring together community activists, anti-racists, migrant supporters, academics and trade unionists to discuss how we challenge an increasingly toxic and deliberately hostile narrative around migration, in the specific context of the impending Brexit.

The day will be taken up with a series of sessions looking at the context in which anti migrant narratives have become so dominant, how communities can best respond to far right provocations, and techniques for creating new unifying narratives. Each of these will involve an introduction followed by break-out sessions, where discussions leading to resolutions can be developed while allowing all attendees to participate as equals.
More details or sign up here:

23 February 2019- TUC LESE Creative and Leisure Industries Network "Future of the Arts" Conference

The fourth conference of the Show Culture Some Love campaign – hosted by the London, Eastern & South-East Region of the TUC - is being held on Saturday 23 February 2019 in TUC Congress House, 23-28 Great Russell
Street, London WC1B 3LS. Further information to follow.

To register to attend please contact  <>

*23 February - **Stand Up To Racism Trade Union Conference* 10.30am-4.30pm (Registration from 10am) - Hamilton House London

16 March - UN anti-racism day demonstration in London

March in London as part of an international day of action against racism and the far right

23 March - International Brigade memorial Trust : Len Crome Memorial Conference 11am (registration from 10.30am) to 4pm Kellogg College Oxford

30 March- LESE Organising Against the Far-RightTUC, Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS  Register with
TUC Directory 2019 – Now available!

The popular yearbook of facts, stats, links and useful information about Britain’s largest voluntary organisation is fully revised for 2019.

Prices held at 2018's once again, this invaluable book is a must for all trade union offices and branches,  In addition there's a handy unions-by-work-sector list, and infographics about union density and reach, using official statistics.

This is on Pre-Order, available in January.

Or contact Paul Rey-Burns for bulk discounts. 0207 467 1294

2 November 2019- GMB March for Hospital Workers Rights 12 Noon - Kingston Hospital, Galsworthy Road, KT2 7QB Speaker - GMB General Secretary Tim Roache

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