Thursday 1 August 2019

GREEN MONDAYS (01/08/2019)

GREEN MONDAYS (01/08/2019)

Extinction Rebellion comes to PNR!!
Although a Green Monday proved impossible in the end, we are VERY pleased to announce that, on THURSDAY 8 AUGUST, we will be welcoming Dr.Gail Bradbrook - a co-founder of Extinction Rebellion!!

Gail has been researching, planning and training for mass civil disobedience since 2010; and has been arrested 3 times for acts of peaceful civil disobedience.

On Thursday 8 August, Gail will be talking about her love for PNR activists and the wider anti-fracking movement. She will also be talking about what should be the next steps for the Climate Rebellion; and will be finishing with a Q & A session afterwards.

Gail is expected to be speaking outside the gates at around

ForthcomingGreen Mondays:
Speakers for Green Mondays up until end-September are as follows: 
5 August - Our main speaker for this Green Monday   
Tony Lywood:

Tony is a Labour councillor on Keswick Town Council and on Cumbria County Council - and he is Labour’s PPC for the Copeland constituency (currently held by the Tories).

His main campaigns have centred round protecting our NHS and, in particular, saving local hospitals from closure. He is on the left of the Labour Party, and is fully committed to the green agenda and the Green New Deal for industry.

Tony is expected to be speaking outside the gates at around

12 August - For this 2ND. ANNIVERSARY Green Monday, events are expected to begin outside the gates at around

Our main speakers include:
(1) Gina Dowding, MEP:
As many of you will know, Gina has been a long-time anti-fracking activist at Preston New Road - who put her money where her mouth is by taking part in a lock-on outside the gates. She has been a very effective Green Party councillor on Lancashire CC - and is now also a Green Party MEP for the NW.


(2) Steve Masters:
Steve - a Green Party member since 2015 - is a newly-elected Green Party councillor on West Berkshire District Council - and is also the Green Party’s PPC for Newbury.  Formerly homeless himself, he now campaigns on homelessness and housing; actively opposes the badger cull; and recently led the successful campaign to get West Berkshire DC to declare a Climate Emergency.
In addition to his Green Party work, Steve is an Extinction Rebellion activist, and was one of the first to be arrested at the launch of Extinction Rebellion in October 2018 - and was with me on Lambeth Bridge (see photo above) when I was arrested the following month!


(3) Lindsey German:
In 2001, Lindsey was a founder-member of the antiwar organisation Stop The War Coalition (StWC) and, from 2004-7, was also a leading member of Respect. 
Currently, she remains the Convenor of StWC, and works closely with Kate Hudson, who was our Green Monday speaker on 10 June.  Lindsey has also written several books - including two on women’s rights.


(4) Paul Jenkins:

Paul (NW Regional Organiser for Unite Against Fascism - UAF - since 2009) was central to the recent successful UAF & Stand Up to Racism campaign to stop 'Tommy Robinson' being elected as a North West MEP - which won them a Fusion Community Award (see photo above). During that campaign, he spent a lot of time in Cumbria and Lancashire, working with members of local Green and Labour Parties.

Paul will be focussing on how the Climate Crisis is increasingly creating climate refugees - and thus the importance of stopping fracking, and all the other the fossil fuel industries.


·        The Nanas’ Samba Band

·        The Keswick Buskers (from our 1st. Anniversary)

·        Eve Norley & Allan Gray (who have performed before at PNR)

And possibly even more!

So make a date!!


19 August - For this Green Monday, our main speaker will be
Sue Hampton:
Sue - a renowned & much-acclaimed author - will be making a welcome return to PNR. As well as her literary life, she has also thrown herself into the Extinction Rebellion protests - quite literally putting her body on the line for the planet and all the species on it.
Sue is expected to be speaking outside the gates at around

2 September - IMPORTANT INFO!!
This Green Monday will NOT be at PNR - but in:
Manchester, outside the Civil Justice Centre,
1 Bridge Street West. M60 9DJ
However, we still have a speaker for this event -
Jenny Jones:
Jenny - known as the Green Baroness! - has been active on many fronts, including the environment. She has always campaigned on policing issues.
So…PLEASE get along to Manchester if you can.
Jenny is expected to be speaking at around 11.00am.

16 September - For this Green Monday, our main speaker will be
Fiona Prior:
Fiona - seen here prior (no pun intended!) to XR’s April action - is a VERY active member of North Cumbria Extinction Rebellion. She was one of those blocking Lambeth Bridge during XR’s London Bridges’ action last November - and was also back in London for XR’s week-long action this April!
When not taking positive Climate Crisis action, she has also been a Green Party candidate in Carlisle, has visited PNR as a protester, and is currently studying Fine Art at Cumbria University.
Fiona is expected to be speaking outside the gates at around

30 September - For this Green Monday, our main speaker
will be
Doug Maw:
Doug was the person who launched a petition against the new banknotes, because they contain products from animals that have been slaughtered. The petition got thousands of signatures - but was sadly unsuccessful. Active now in Brighton Greens, he was for a time an energetic member of Allerdale & Cumbria Green Party. He is also a vegan runner & boxer - and has just become part of Sea Shepherds.


All the best
Allan Todd

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