Sunday, 1 March 2020

EVENT THIS WEDNESDAY - The War on Democracy in Latin America with Dan Kovalk.

EVENT THIS WEDNESDAY - The War on Democracy in Latin America with Dan Kovalk.
March 4, 6pm, Unite House, 128 Theobalds Rd, London, WC1X 8TN - RSVP here.
VSC Stall Volunteers Needed - please reply to this email if you can help!
Since the election of Donald Trump, the US and its right-wing allies in Latin America have attempted to reassert their dominance with a series of coups, attempted coups and brazen antidemocratic attacks. Lawyer, author and activist Dan Kovalik joins Alborada to discusses the US government's war on democracy in Latin America and how the region's progressive governments and movements are responding.

Dan Kovalik is a human rights, labour rights lawyer and peace activist. He has contributed to articles CounterPunch, Huffington Post and TeleSUR. He currently teaches International Human Rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. He is also the author of "A Plot to Overthrow Venezuela" (picture above,) with a foreword by Oliver Stone.
RSVP, share & invite friends here
VSC Stall Volunteers Needed - please reply to this email if you can help!

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