Saturday 25 July 2020

Green Left welcomes confirmation that the Green Party group is now the largest grouping on Brighton & Hove City Council.

Green Left welcomes confirmation that the Green Party group is now the largest grouping on Brighton & Hove City Council.

We urge our Green councillors there to work closely now with other socialists, Trade Unionists and community groups against austerity in Brighton – including those who no longer feel that the Labour Party is aligned with their core values.

A united campaign has an opportunity to introduce coherence into the Council’s pandemic response in a way that recognises the disproportionate impacts on low-paid citizens, BAME communities, women and other marginalised groups.

This is also the time to start rebuilding services, to pursue local-first procurement policies and other measures aimed at creating low carbon jobs and to support the creation of workers’ cooperatives.

A movement of those with a shared recognition that the roots of social injustice and the roots of the climate crisis are one and the same can make Brighton a beacon for an ecosocialist approach

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