Thursday 20 August 2020

Yesterday, a 16 year old boy was found dead on a beach on the English Channel

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Yesterday, a 16 year old boy was found dead on a beach on the English Channel. He was from Sudan, and was trying to reach the UK in order to apply for asylum. 

Deaths like this are a direct consequence of government policy, and the same anti-migrant politics that is driving Brexit. By shutting out migrants and refusing to provide them with a safe route to reaching the UK, the Tories are forcing people to make dangerous crossings in makeshift boats.

We all have a duty to stand up against a policy which knowingly condemns people to die just a few miles off the UK coast. Yesterday, we were outside the Home Office protesting to demand safe passage for migrants to the UK.

Today, we're asking you to take two minutes to email your MP, using a tool by the Joint Committee for the Welfare of Immigrants, to demand safe passage.
Write to your MP: demand safe passage for migrants
And if you want to do more, you could: 
  • Organise a protest to demand safe passage for refugees in your local area and tell us about it
  • Donate to Kent Refugee Action Network (KRAN), which provides support to young Asylum Seekers in the part of England nearest the Channel. 

Team Another Europe

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