Tuesday 8 October 2024

Green Left, is planning to hold an online open meeting on ‘Disability and Ecosocialism'


Green Left, an ecosocialist tendency within the Green Party of England and Wales. is planning to hold an online open meeting on ‘Disability and Ecosocialism' to discuss the politics of disability and its relation to other aspects of Green and left politics in mid-November 2024.


Disability is a label applied to a wide variety of people. It can be used officially by agencies such as government, or unofficially in everyday speech, and many more hurtful terms may be used instead. It can lead to many forms of discrimination against those labelled ‘disabled’, in employment, in housing, in access to public facilities and in many other areas. Such discrimination has been challenged by the ‘disabled’ themselves, but how much has been gained?


If you would like to contribute to this meeting or can suggest suitable speakers, please contact Peter Murry at yrrumuk@googlemail.com

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