Friday 5 September 2008

'Greening Latin America' Green Left meeting 4/9/2008

Thursday 4th September 2008, Bolivar Hall: Embassy Of Venezuela Chair: Joseph Healy, Green Party of England and Wales International Secretary Speakers: Roberto Perez, Cuban permaculturalist who launches his British tour . Dr Diana Raby, Lecturer at the Institute of Latin American Studies (University of Liverpool) Oscar Hernan Blanco Dr Derek Wall, Green Party Principal Speaker 'This meeting will show case the progress being made in Latin America with an emphasis on Cuba and Venezuela in dealing with climate change, biodiversity and range of environmental issues. It will examine the lessons in terms of politics and environmental policy that both the Green Movement and the wider left in Britain can learn from the Latin American experience.'Organised by Green Left
The Introductions
Oscar Hernan Blanco speaks about the work of his father Hugo Blanco indigenous politician from Peru.
Dr Diana Raby (part 1)
Dr Diana Raby (part 2)
Roberto Perez (part 1)
Roberto Perez (part 2)
Derek Wall (part 1)
Derek Wall (part 2)
Derek Wall (part 3)
Some questions
Roberto's answer (part1)
Roberto's answer (part2)
Roberto's answer (part3)
Roberto's answer (part4)

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