Friday, 5 October 2012

'The EDL is not welcome in Rotherham' rally on Monday 8th October from 7pm

Come to the 'The EDL is not welcome in Rotherham' rally on Monday 8th October from 7pm at the Unity Centre, St Leonard's Road, Rotherham S65 1PD - more details to follow.

Join the unity celebration in Rotherham town centre
from midday in Rotherham town centre on Saturday 13th October - more details to follow.
Please email with your name, organisation and position if you would like to add your name to the list of supporters of our campaign statement below.

Rotherham Unite Against Facism statement

"We the undersigned strongly oppose plans by the English Defence League (EDL), a group linked to the fascist British National Party (BNP) to demonstrate in Rotherham.

The EDL is a racist and fascist organisation dedicated to attacking Asian people and Muslims. Islamophobia or bigotry against Muslims is as unacceptable as any other form of racism. Its aim is to divide us by making scapegoats of one community, just as the Nazis did with the Jews in the 1930s. Today they threaten Muslims. Tomorrow it could be Jewish people, Hindus, Sikhs, black people, lesbians and gay men, Travellers or Eastern Europeans.

The EDL have held countless demonstrations across the country, where they have rampaged through towns, attacking mosques, businesses and individuals. More recently, they have begun to attack peaceful demonstrations and multicultural and trade union meetings. Their leader, Tommy Robinson, who has a string of convictions for violence, appeared on a recent Channel 4 programme praising Anders Breivik, the fascist terrorist responsible for killing 76 people in Norway. Each time the EDL assemble, minorities and trades unionists are subjected to threats and racial/religious abuse.

Recently the EDL were prevented from marching through Walthamstow in London due to a fantastic show of unity from the local community. It is essential that we show the same level of unity here.

There is no place for Nazis, racists or their allies in Rotherham's multiracial, multicultural and multi-faith community.

We also urge people to attend the peaceful celebrate and defend multicultural Rotherham gathering in the centre of Rotherham on Saturday 13th October."

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