Monday, 25 April 2016

The People's Assembly Against Austerity update 25 april 2016

Thanks for all your support in the run up to last Saturday's demonstration for Health Homes Jobs and Education. The London groups and Volunteers made the day possible! 

Make sure we can continue to campaign against austerity, all this campaigning costs a huge amount of money, if you can please make a donation to the demo fund please do right HERE

We've another busy week ahead... Please get down to the 'March to Support the Junior Doctors' hosted by the British Medical Association and the National Union of Teachers, which will see Doctors and Teachers marching in Solidarity together. 

Assemble 5pm, Tuesday 26 April, St Thomas' Hospital and March to the Department of Health on Whitehall. 

Follow the Facebook Event and share widely.

This May Day join us in celebrating International Workers Day, Assemble, Sunday 1 May, 11:30am Clerkenwell Green.

include Jeremy Corbyn, Frances O'Grady and John McDonnell. 

And then don't forget, the June 18th Convoy to CalaisThe People's Assembly has teamed up with some of the biggest campaigning organisations in Britain to say Refugees Welcome, no to racist scapegoating and demand that our governments put an end to the biggest humanitarian crisis in Europe since the second world war. The Convoy is a great opportunity to reach out in the spirit of solidarity and internationalism to our friends in need across the channel.  

For more information follow the Facebook Event and look out for updates as they come in...

See you on the streets.

The People's Assembly Against Austerity

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